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Take a moment and go on a little journey with me...
It’s 5 months from today.
You’re looking back IN AWE of what you created in your soul business.

You 10x-ed your leads, followers, or subscribers and established yourself as the professional leader in your niche?

Your soul business is not just an idea, but it is a reality that supports you every day.

Like, you finally can quit that job you only work to pay the bills, and focus on the work that really lights you up!

You had the time of your life
  • creating all the bits and pieces to promote your work online
  • coming up with a perfect-for-you content strategy and calendar
  • producing months worth of branded social media posts that your people simply love to see
  • stepping out of your comfort zone to film top-notch professional video content that speaks your unique language and shines with your heart's passion
  • expanding your brand into all of walks of life, by making flyers, posters, postcards, presentations, banners and maybe even your own merchandise
And perhaps most exciting?

You felt super confident, supported and excited to get to work every day, AND you've established yourself as the badass expert that you are?

It was way easier than you imagined.

Basically? You found your ultimate flow and everybody felt it.

Building your business empire was as simple as making your daily cup of tea.

And, honestly? You kinda started craving to sit down to work more on your brand's marketing. ️

All the second-guessing about your branding and marketing materials, the overwhelm of getting "out there" every single day, the endless struggle with the social media algorithm, and the insecurity of how best to connect with your soul clients - that you used to feel around your building your dream business?


Like, you know it used to be a thing, but it's only a faint memory.

It’s like a super supportive life coach now lives inside your brain and drowned out all the critical voices.

And, you just feel really freaking PROFESSIONAL and POWERFUL.

It's not to-good-to-be-true. Especially when it comes to bringing your Brand to Life.


That's why it is my absolute honor to introduce:

The Brand Awakening_bg_edited.png
The Brand Awakening - Your Business Launch Pad - is a step-by-step, no-bullshit training to take your business from side hustle to fully booked - from barely visible to online empire.

It is a 5-month immersion for visionaries and trailblazers who struggle with mastering the chaos of online marketing and want to 10x their visibility online.

Sounds like something you want?
If you are asking yourself right now, what are my credentials to help you do this thing and why should you GO ALL IN on building your brand into that business empire?!

I am glad you asked!
1. I’ve got a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design - I've spent years learning the details, rules and strategies behind good design for print and digital media.

2. I’ve got 18 years of experience working for some of the biggest brands of the world - creating branded software products, developing concepts for the technology of the future and building immersive brands.

3. My work is seen and used by millions of people all over the world daily - if you haven't been hiding in a cave for the last decade, you certainly have come into contact with my work.

4. I’ve supported more than 30 brands, agencies, entrepreneurs and startups - many of them coming back regularly or endorsing me to their contacts.

Bring your Business to Life

10x your Visibility with Ease

So, what exactly is included inside The Brand Awakening Immersion?

This digital course experience includes...

The full 5-module core Brand Awakening curriculum

The recordings of every live training call, brand wisdom drop & energy alignment practice (this is the ULTIMATE binge-move over Netflix)

Brand Awakening “surprise” content drops. Some weeks it will be a graphic or copy text template, a workbook to dive deeper, or an energetic or life style practice to add value to your journey!

Private community hub and support space for all members of the immersion to share wins, ask questions, collaborate, and support each other through the process.

Investment: 555€/month  OR  2222€ Pay-In-Full

The Brand Awakening Curriculum

The Power of Business Clarity
  • My Business Persona

  • Talking to Your Soul Clients

  • Stories that Speak Clearly

  • Embodying your Brand

  • Offers that are Aligned

Content Create Like A Pro
  • Get organized with Strategy

  • Master scheduling Tools

  • Template Excellence

  • Bulk Produce with Ease

  • Working with Images & Mood

  • Utilize AI & create your Flavor

Getting Camera Ready
  • Branded Videos, Reels, Lives, YouTube, Online Events

  • You as Your Brand

  • Speaking to Connect

  • Look Professional

  • The Right Setup

Expanding the Brand
  • Cohesive Branding

  • Building Trust

  • Get printing: Flyers, Posters, Postcards, Business Cards,...

  • MC Slides, Webinar Presentations, TEDx magic
 Website Magic For Everyone
  • A Digital Office that Serves

  • Usability / SEO / Access + Booking
  • Build A Landing Page that Sells
Investment: 555€/month  OR  2222€ Pay-In-Full

This experience will help you:

Feel deeply accomplished, thoroughly grounded, and total embodied confidence in the way you show up in your brand online and of. 
Attract a flood of aligned clients, leads & motivation to show up even more yourself. 
View the challenges that arise in your business marketing less like obstacles and more as the birthplace of a deepening in your craft
Speaking of deepening your craft, you’ll feel more connected to the leader within you. It will feel less like scattered overwhelm and more like laser focused clarity. 
The relationship you have with your soul work will deepen, your confidence as a leader will strengthen, and the potency of your brand will be felt. 
You’ll get up every morning with a clear path to follow in your marketing and plenty of time to focus on your actual work. Aka: you are finally able to do more of the work you are burning to bring forward. 
You will establish yourself so professionally that you become the Go-To-Person in your field. 
Your office will feel like a genuinely inspiring place to be and somewhere that fills you with aligned purpose, inspired joy, and overflowing passion
You’ll start to feel deep confidence as a the professional you are because your brand expression is clear, on point and consistent - building trust with potential clients. AKA: you are no longer posting random graphics at random times or wondering how to get that one next booking, or make your next launch a success, because you are easily visible to people all over the world and your calendar is filling up with clients you’re super excited about.


Will I get 1-1 feedback/attention from Deva Ravi?
Yes, there will be one Tech and Design Q&A call, AND one 1-on-1 coaching call and per month, where it is only you + me + whatever you crave support with right now in your visibility & business development.

How much time will this program take?
This is somewhat up to you - and depends on your availability and willingness to make big moves. The live calls and recordings are usually 60 minutes long and the assignments are designed to take anywhere between 1-2 hours. So planning to dedicate approximately 3 hours per week is recommended if you’re looking to get the best possible results.
However, there is no "right" way to move through this material - many people go at their own pace and we all know life likes to be life-ing - so move through the content and modules in a way that feels good to you, and that's perfectly perfect!
That said, this program is designed to make you MORE money with MORE joy. It’s not conceptual fluff and every assignment is designed to make everything else in your business (and life) easier.

What exactly is The Brand Awakening Immersion?
Great question! I define The Brand Awakening as a virtual learning journey where I lead entrepreneurs and business owners through a step-by-step process that supports them to bring their brand out into the world & creates a big transformation in their professional life. This immersion will take place through live calls online, pre-recorded content, and work assignments.

What makes this offer different from others like it?
Our approach is CONSCIOUS, PRACTICAL & SPIRITUAL. It always honors the wisdom, sovereignty and intuition of all participants. It’s also branding-focused and includes: learning the practical steps, finding the magic in the technology, mastering the energetix of your business temple & it supports you with coaching every step of the way.

How long will I have access to the content?
Once you sign up - and assuming all payments are made (via the payment plan), it’s yours for life!

When do the live calls take place?
Most calls will be scheduled aligned to the European and American time zones. The detailed schedule will be released when we start our journey in early October. If you can’t make a call live there is always an opportunity to submit your questions ahead of time.

What is your refund policy?
There are no general refunds. Please read this sales page carefully as it is an accurate reflection of what is included in this program. I recommend making your decision from a place of clarity and connected to your own inner guidance. In case there is an extreme personal circumstance arising in your life, that makes it absolutely impossible to honor your commitment, please reach out to us privately and we will look at any options together.

Your lead trainer Deva Ravi - founder of the Visual Alchemy Labs.

The Visual Alchemy Labs stands for holistic branding and conscious technology solutions.

With over 15 years of experience working on digital products for and with leading international brands, we bring an innovative spin to conscious businesses, startups and entrepreneurs by combining our expertise in visual design, creative user experience and technology, where branding meet experience.

We believe that good design goes way beyond aesthetics and functionality, and that infusing our work with your brand's true essence can totally transform a business image and products.

We are passionate to co-create a meaningful impact and build brands that truly resonate with your audience, and products that add value to your clients experience.

"This is going to be great!
Not having to make every post from scratch anymore. I feel such a relief!”

Dr. Marie Weitbrecht - Frau in Führung

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